

Terms and Conditions for the MALAYSIA AUTOSHOW 2023 “100 FREE TICKETS TO GIVE AWAY”

General Terms & Conditions

  1. Organiser
    • 1.1. Malaysia Automotive Robotics and IoT Institute (898618-T) (“MARii”) is the organiser of MALAYSIA AUTOSHOW 2023 (“Programme”).
  2. Eligibility

2.1. The Programme is open to all Malaysian and Non-Malaysian residing in Malaysia, aged 18 years old and above (“Entrants”). Entrants below the age of 18 must receive consent from a parent or guardian before participating in the Contest.
2.2 MARii reserves the absolute right to disqualify any Entrant to the Contest which it considers has used improper means to enter.

  1. How to participate

3.1. The contest will be held through posts on MARii’s official Facebook page (www.facebook.com/malaysiaautoshow) and Instagram (@autoshow_my)
3.2. To win the Free Tickets, the Entrants need to do the following:
3.2.1 Answer this following question

“Which car or bike brand will join us at Malaysia Autoshow 2023″?

3.2.2 Tag your 3 friends and share the post
3.2.3 The first 100 comments received that meet the criteria above will be notified through a winner announcement post with your name mentioned. Once the announcement is posted, you will be required to submit your email through direct messenger (DM) to the Malaysia Autoshow pages. Free tickets will be sent to the provided email.
3.3 The Entrant hereby warrants that all information submitted is true, accurate and complete in every respect. MARii reserves the right to verify any information contained and/ or Entrant ‘s eligibility to enter the Contest.
3.4 Entrants may only win once for the Duration of this Contest. Subsequent attempts at winning by any existing winners will be declared void and any further Prize which has been awarded in error will be withdrawn. Entrants must enter using their legal name and may not enter on behalf of another person. MARii reserves the right to disqualify any Entrant in breach of this rule.
3.5 If MARii later discovers that any winner does not meet the eligibility criteria as laid out above or as stated in the General Terms & Conditions, MARii reserves the right to withdraw the Prize without question. No correspondence shall be entered into. All decisions are final.

3.6 This competition is organized by Malaysia Automotive Robotics and IoT Institute, as the organiser of the Malaysia Autoshow 2023. Facebook is not responsible or liable against any damages, losses, and expenses of any kind. Facebook will not be responsible for the content or information users transmit or share on Facebook. They are not responsible for any offensive, inappropriate, obscene, unlawful or otherwise objectionable content or information you may encounter on Facebook. They are not responsible for the conduct, whether online or offline, of any user of Facebook.

  1. Prize

4.1 Upon winning, the Entrant will get 1 Free ticket Per Person to enter the Malaysia Autoshow 2023.
4.2 The Prize given is non-transferable and the tickets cannot be exchanged for another event or cash.
4.3 MARii reserves the right to change or replace any of the offered prizes with any prize of equivalent value at any time without giving any prior notice to the Entrants. Prizes are not exchangeable or redeemable for cash or any other form.

  1. Contest Duration

5.1. Social media contest which will run from 27 April 2023 until Tuesday 02 Mayl 2023 (“the Duration”). MARii reserves the right to shorten, extend or end the Contest due to any reason at any time without prior notice.
5.2 MARii reserves the right without assigning any reason therefore to:-
(a) Abandon, cancel or postpone the programme as it deems necessary;
(b) Reject any entry whether before or after the acceptance thereof;

  1. General Terms & Conditions

6.1. MARii reserves the sole and absolute right to amend, vary or delete any part or the whole of the Terms and Conditions of the Contest at any time without prior notice to the Entrant and the Entrant agrees to observe and comply with the Terms and Conditions or any changes made thereto.
6.2. Non-compliance by the Entrant and/or Winners with any of the Terms and Conditions herein contained shall entitle MARii to disqualify any entry and/or revoke any prize awarded.
6.3 By participating in the Contest, Entrants and/or winners hereby grant MARii the right to broadcast their names and pictures or display any matter related to the Programme sessions for advertising purposes and publicity related to the Programme without any further notice to the Entrants and/or winners. Entrants and/or winners are hereby notified that MARii will, without prior notification, have the right to record the Entrants’s and/or winner’s experience in any media deemed appropriate (including but not limited to video and audio recordings) related to the Programme for future promotional purposes. The Entrants and/or winners are not entitled to claim any payment in any form, fee or compensation for the use of their images or details in relation to the above.

6.4 All out-of-pocket cost and expenses in entering the Contest and/or collecting the prizes will be borne by the Entrants and/or winners. MARii shall not be held responsible in the event that the prizes are damaged after collection by the winners.
6.5 MARii may, at its absolute discretion reject or disqualify an entry without giving any reason whatsoever to any Entrants or any other party.
6.6 By registering, entering or participating in/for the Contest, the Entrants hereby fully and unconditionally agrees and accepts all the Terms and Conditions herein contained and agrees that MARii’s decision regarding the Contest and all matters relating to or in connection thereto are final and binding and queries, appeals or correspondence will not be entertained.
6.7 Entrants agrees to participate in this Contest out of his own free will and to be solely and fully liable and fully indemnify MARii in damages or in any other form of legal remedies in respect of any fines, penalties, loss in monetary form or otherwise, suffered by MARii or loss to the reputation, good will or image of MARii, or loss(es) arising from any accident, bodily injury, death and/or damages to his property, cars, loss of belongings etc. which may arise directly or indirectly during the Contest or pursuant to the Contest s a result of action, omission, fault, offences and any breach of the terms and conditions imposed herein regardless whether such action, omission, fault, offences and breach is committed by the Entrants or its representative, knowingly or otherwise.
6.8 These terms and conditions are subject to the Entrants’s express consent to the terms and conditions pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act.
6.9 These Terms and Conditions prevail over any provisions or representations contained in any promotional material advertised in relation to this Contest. MARii is the final authority to decide on the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions and as to any other matter relating to the Programme.


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We have very limited space left! Fill in the form and we will contact you in the next 24 hours (working days only)!